Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter Tree for You and Me!

Resume Blogging...Now:

In an effort to jazz up the hospital unit that I work on, I have volunteered to join the morale committee (not really even knowing what it was). Apparently in the past the morale committee (being comprised of one person, not much of a committee really) plans events for all the nurses to attend (BBQs and tupperware parties and such). Well since I am new to this (and would never host a tupperware party in my life) and since we are all working so hard, finding time outside of work just doesn't seem feasible at the moment. So being the crafty human I am, I have decided to bring the joy of crafts to the unit!! Hooray for boosting morale!

This all started when I was creating Easter Decorations. I created a couple fun egg wreath for family and realized I had a dozen (or so) left over plastic eggs. Hmm...what to make, what to make? I set off for my craft room to search for some supplies and ideas and VOILA! How about an Easter Egg Tree!
 I used a Styrofoam cone, plastic Easter eggs, a hot glue gun (obviously), and some Easter basket filler. 
Now simply apply the eggs, make it pretty, place it on a table and you have yourself a homemade Easter Tree. 

Now what do you do after Easter? Well I will tell you: You make a NEW CRAFT!!!! 

Back to my craft room I went in search of supplies and a new and exciting idea. Well what I found was not necessarily new (I made another wreath), but the technique was new to me. I remember seeing this type of wreath in a Martha Stewart Magazine years ago and thought it would look neat but I never had a place or purpose for it (Morale committee it is!).  I started by making an entire mess of ribbon on my coffee table and then just started tying the ribbons on the styrofoam ring. Even after the entire wreath was covered, I made sure to go back through and add even more ribbons to get the full effect (then I added a few more!). The initials of the floor I work on were added using (what else but) hot glue and there ya go. A quick and easy craft that can spruce up even a medical unit. Plus it was a great use for all of those spools of ribbon sitting around in a drawer (I got to start making room for new items!). 
One of a kind decorations brought to you by Salamander. You are welcome!

Eat, Craft, and Decorate!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blogging Hiatus

Nautical themed wall decor, hand painted on canvas

Hello to my devout readers (all three of you).  I am apologetic for the seeming lack of craft blogging. I am in fact crafting, nothing big, and nothing really new to my craft scene, but I should be keeping up with my favorite little hobby! Life is hectic (as we all know it comes in waves) and blogging is at the bottom of the totem pole at this point. While not really blogging as a whole (there is a certain new little blog that I have picked up, but it is not for you to know about just yet!) but this blog has received the chopping block for a bit. I will return though, have no fear, your crafter is here!
Wood burned sign with painted background and buttons for a heart

Eat, Craft, and always continue to create!