Thursday, May 10, 2012

Love thy Mother!

Mother's Day is just around the corner and what better way to show appreciation for the amazing mothers in my life then to create a special craft just for them! I already had an idea of what I was going to make but I needed to confirm some details for creation via Pinterest. So I set about my search for crayon art! Moms are constantly throughout time providing their kids with crayons, you go to a restaurant and you get crayons, you go to grandma's house and she has crayons, crayons crayons crayons. What better way to show mom love then to give her a crayon (hmmm you want to give your mom a crayon? Interesting.) shaped like a heart though! Silly goose.

First attempt with horrid crayons
The craft was initially going to be done using old broken crayons from an ever present crayon bucket that my niece uses (she LOVES to color) but somehow it has gone missing (Noni must have taken it to her house! Thief!). No big deal I will just buy some crayons ( honestly they are about $1, I can afford that). Well to my dismay sometimes you just can't buy the cheap stuff, it just doesn't work. So I drove back to the store and bought some Crayola Crayons which were another $1.50 plus the gas to drive back and forth (apparently I should have splurged the first time around!).

All melted!
Alright lets get to the craft! Step 1: Peel the paper off the crayons (not really all that easy) Step 2: Cut up some colorful crayons into little pieces (don't use black or brown, just do not do it) Step 3: Acquire some silicone heart shaped molds (conveniently I already had these!) Step 4: Put some cut up crayons into said mold Step 5: Place in oven at 250 degrees for approximately 10 minutes (or until the crayons are melted) Step 6: LET COOL COMPLETELY. If you move the molds too much while the crayons are liquid then the colors will mix together and you will be angry with your self for being so silly (trust me on this).  Once they are all cooled and solidified again you can pop them out and admire just how awesome this new heart shaped crayon is!

Final Craft
Now cut out a heart shaped piece of paper for your background (I used plantable paper because I had some left over from another craft), add your heart (I used a dopple of hot glue to attach it) and add a neat little saying  about how awesome Moms are! Mine says, "The keeper of crayons, the keeper of my heart! Happy Mother's Day!". 

Eat, Craft, and Love your mother! :-)

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