Saturday, July 21, 2012

Did you say 200 wine corks?? No, More!

What better way to celebrate a wedding than with wine (corks that is!) Hmmm... Hold that thought, allow me to explain my blogging absence...

Back in May I was blessed with a job, a real life, grown-up, pay check, career! Craziness has only followed since the day I got hired. I have been working like crazy and having a ton of fun when I have the chance, so clearly the blog was put on PAUSE until I could balance work and fun into a manageable lifestyle and although I am not quite into a well balanced state, I have decided to craft, once again!(HOORAY time to play!)
So this craft all began a few months ago when a friend was cleaning out there garage and found BAGS and BAGS of wine and champagne corks (what a bunch of alchs!). Well supposedly the corks came from a catering company (yeah right!), either way I was psyched to have them! Oh the possibilities of wine related crafts! And what better occasion to use wine corks that came from weddings to celebrate another wedding! I know I am a genius!

Trial fitting for frame
I started by sorting out the wine from champagne corks and rooting out any broken or moldy ones (yuck). Next came the idea process which was not as easy as I had hoped. To my craft room I went and there I found: string, my handy dandy glue gun, a saw (why do I have a saw?), a picture frame, scissors, and a hammer. (Note: I had no idea what I was making so I just grabbed tools). Next I spent over an hour tying corks together with twine...whatever I had in mind to make, was not working. Fail. 

Next the picture frame came into play. Victory is mine. I checkered the corks and hot glued them into place. (I only seriously burned myself on the molten glue lava once!) What have I made though? A trivet? Seemed too simple of a craft to give as a wedding gift. So now what? (Always open a bottle of wine while doing a wine craft for inspiration). 

Waiting for the second coat of wine!
VOILA! I will use wine to dye the corks! So exciting!! Back to my craft room to find a paint brush and a container for some wine ( I didn't want to use the wine in my glass...duh!). The letter of the soon to be last name of the bride seemed an appropriate monogram. Now add a black bow to tie it all together (tie it? get it? a bow!) and you have just created the best gift a wino could give to a fellow wino! 

Eat, Craft, and put all those corks to work!

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