Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do you collect Bottle Caps?

When the weather is yucky out, I do not feel the least bit guilty about sitting inside all day and doing crafts! So yesterday, that is what I did...alllll dayyyy. Typically my craft projects are rather quick little adventures that I can complete in a few hours (max) with the wood burned signs taking the most time. Well scratch that concept. This craft that I am about to share with you is a LONG and tedious endevour that you should not undertake unless you have a large amount of time to 'waste' (preferably on a rainy day would be best).
Wooden backing

To begin this project you have to either be someone who enjoys bottled beverages or someone who knows a lot of people that enjoy bottled beverages (clearly I was able to collect my own caps!). Now depending on how big you want to make your final project or which state or shape you are using will change the amount of caps you need (I think this project took just under 200 caps).  I should also add that a variety of caps is best. Once I decided to commence this project I was shocked at how many of certain caps there were (particularly Sam Adams Octoberfest, and Longtrails). Luckily there was enough variety in the other caps so as to not make the project look too repetitive (plus my friend Jason was nice enough to share some of his exotic caps with me).

Laying out bottle caps 

With the cap situation discussed, I suppose it is time to share what the project is. Awhile ago I got the idea for this on Pinterest (For the probably easier instructions go here!) but of course already had my own twists in mind. I was going to make a wall hanging of the state of New Hampshire using bottle caps! Ta-Da!  So Jason helped me to create the backing which was 5 planks of wood simply held together by a couple of cross bars on the back(Note: I should not have been allowed to help hammer ANY nails) and I then acquired a state map which I cut out and used for the outline. Now this is when it becomes a time sucking craft of death.

Map cut out and glued down
Organize your caps into the shape you have chosen while making sure to create enough variety for a visually appealing final project (I completely arranged the caps onto the board twice, total time sucking). Now once you have played around with the caps and got them into the exact locations that you want you have to find a way to make them stick to the board. Not such an easy task. The website that the idea came from suggested using an epoxy but with the warning label using the word cancer, I became rather hesitant. Thank goodness Jason was around to provide a solution.

Syringing on Mod Podge
I decided to use Mod Podge, my new favorite substance ever! But how do you apply this white gooey glue of amazingness? Duh! Be a nurse who has random medical supplies in your house and use a 3ml syringe! Simply an awesome use of resources. Now let dry for DAYS and you are almost complete. Mine was just created yesterday so it is still drying. Now you can just create the map but I have further plans for this craft! Final project: TO BE CONTINUED.... So suspenseful :-)

Eat, Craft, and wait for the final project to be revealed!

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