Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stencils, paint and...a hammer?

Once an idea is planted in your head it is impossible to get it out of there ( Inception anyone?). This is how I feel about summer coming. I am just so ready for the cold to be over that my crafts have all taken on a summer theme (and they are all on wood). To the beach we go!

Original piece of wood
I love working with wood but lately just using my wood burner has bored me, so I have got into using simple paints for accent (also I broke my wood burner on the last project so...).  As always I found the piece of wood first and then decided on the craft that would be put on it. Now being a typical girl, I also change my mind several times before the final project is done. Sometimes I begin a craft and can simply erase it and start over, or flip the wood over, Ta-Da! This craft was originally going to say "Make today count" for a kid with a clock and number theme but I changed my mind and found a better piece of wood for that craft. Last night that seemed too ambitious though so a simple "Beach" sign was created.

Stained wood with stencil ideas
The wood was very light that I was using so I wanted to darken it up but staining is such a process that I decided to cheat(just a little!). In all of my crafts there is a hint of impatience and this was a perfect example. I want my crafts to be quick and easy, no long time waiting for things to dry (BORING). So I found some brown craft paint, watered it down a little and simply wiped it onto the wood. Easiest way to stain ever! It came out fabulous and it achieved just what I wanted for the color. Then the stencils came out. (Note: I almost never use stencils, like NEVER.  I love creating fonts and designs by hand but apparently I was feeling very worn out...and lazy). So the word was chosen and then white paint applied.

My sweet hammer
Now to give the wood a rustic and used feel I simply brushed on some white and brown paint for some dimension. I also wanted to beat it up a bit...enter my pink Breast Cancer hammer! Beating it up was a simple process of banging in the edges a little and then using the 'claw' (the pointy nail remover side) of the hammer to add some character divots. That's it!

Eat, Craft, and get beachy!

This sign was made for indoor use but it could definitely be an outdoor sign with a layer of finish on it! 

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