Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Breakfast surprise!

Acorns are more fun than circles
As I set about the task of creating breakfast this morning I was feeling a little ho-hum. I usually make a simple egg and cheese breakfast sandwich on toast. Apparently you can only eat this a million times before you get extremely sick of it and bored. I tried changing the toast, using cinnamon raisin English muffins, different cheeses, but it was all the same. DING! My brain had an idea. Today I would make a 'surprise egg'!! (Note: Food can always be crafty in my world)

Hmmm....what is a surprise egg? A surprise egg is only the coolest and most fun way to eat fried eggs. Some may call it by a different name (I have heard a reference to something about a hen and a basket? or something like that), but my mom always called it a surprise egg so there ya go.

Just yummy!
Now forever I always used a cup to cut out the middle of the bread but I was feeling a little sassy so I used an acorn cookie cutter (twas more pleasing on the eye than a plain circle I think). Butter the bread and the cut out shape and set on skillet. Crack egg into middle section. Flip when you think appropriate (FYI:the point is to have an over easy egg). Once you have cooked your deliciousness, use your grilled little acorn to dip into the yoke!

Eat, Craft, and be Surprised!

1 comment:

  1. Add a slice of cheese on the top when it is almost done and its even yummier!! :)
