Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Food is Art(s and crafts)

Question of the day: Why can't I put food on my craft blog? Answer: I can, it is my blog! So delicious discussions of delightful dumplings will ensue( I adore alterations). I have been cooking up this idea(pun totally intended) to add a baking day to the blog. Although I had set out for this to be a complete craft blog in the purest sense of a hands on activity that is fun and creates something at the end (hmm sounds like cooking to me) I have decided to branch out. Begin Wednesday baking day on Salamanders Blog.

Baking and I have always been a friend. We have been through some pretty tough times though (burning double batches of chocolate fudge..arg) but we always seem to rekindle our friendship(monkey bread, yum). My mother and I have for years created a holiday baking extravaganza in which we create over 40 plates of yummies for family and friends(peanut butter fudge, choc fudge, cheesecake brownies, multiple types of cookies, home made kitkat bars, seven layer bars and much much much more!) So when this Sunday came around and I was to bring a snack to an event (we won't discuss this event any further) I began to get creative. I took my love for Monkey bread (an amazing cinnamon and delicious sugary pull apart bread object) and my love for buffalo chicken to attempt to create a one of a kind Buffalo Chicken Monkey Bread snack! (It was not very successful, but I know how to fix it!)

Ready for the oven

I used whole wheat pizza dough as the base (this was my biggest mistake). The dough was too dense though and when cooked created a giant brick of a snack and although it was delicious it was hard to pull apart. I should have used a type of crescent roll dough like with monkey bread (oh well). Step 1: Cut rotisserie chicken (I will not have raw chicken in my kitchen..yuck) into little baby pieces and drench them in buffalo sauce. Step 2: Cut mozzarella cheese into cubes.  Step 3: Take a chunk of dough and add a cube of mozzarella and a scoop of buff chicken. Step 4: Fold up the dough into a nice little pouch. Step 5: Roll little nugget of deliciousness in Parmesan cheese and toss into a bunt pan. TA-DA! Now cook that sucker according to the dough instructions and that is it. Flip over the bunt pan to reveal your ready to eat buffalo chicken snack bites!

Eat, Craft, and Be Happy :-)

1 comment:

  1. This Buffalo Monkey Bread sounds amazing, bring some to Gunstock next time!
