Friday, February 3, 2012

Is it a button? Or a pin?

Shadow Pin Box
Whether you call it a pin, a brooch, badge or a button we all have them. They are those objects that attach to your clothing using a sharp object on the back. They can be functional by fastening a piece of clothing shut, or decorative in the case of a brooch, or the every popular advertisement pin commonly seen with campaign buttons. Who cares about these trivial pieces of metal? I do. I found that I had gathered a small assortment of buttons over the years from all over the place (Disney, Ski Resorts, Campaign Buttons, Name Tags etc..) Now being the small hoarder that I am I could not find it in me to just throw these things into a landfill with all the other junk of our nation. So a craft they became.

I had this vision of using the pins for a sort of scrapbook/memory box that I could add to as more pins entered my world. So off I went to the Christmas Tree Shop (Don't you just love a bargain?) to find my display method for these old school creations. Enter shadow box. PERFECT! It has a cloth lined backing that was meant for sticking pins into(amazing). Now it was just a matter of gathering up my pins and organizing them into a sweet presentation. Some other 'non pin' items have been added over the years just because I wanted to keep them and they added some flair to the craft.
Box with door open

Pins can be very unique and when you keep them all together they start to tell your story. The middle pin is a photo of a friend who has passed away. I will never forget him and now his pin is the center of my pin art.(We miss you NateBuddy). Pins can also show the places you have been, activities you took part in, achievements that you have earned all in one craft that can grow everyday. Go gather up some of your pins and see what you've got! I bet they will tell a story too! PINNING (Charlie Sheen style)

Rest in Peace NateBuddy

Eat, Craft, and Start a Pin Collection!

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