Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Concussion Shmushion

As the title implies I am concussed. So what better way to spend my day then staring at my computer screen writing my blog! How did I receive this concussion you ask? Not doing arts and crafts, that's for sure. I should just stick to the safety of my craft room and never venture out into the world again (yeah right!), well at least for today anyways. I fell on my snowboard (going really fast), nothing serious, I was wearing my helmet (thank god) but some big time bruises are definitely in order. So along with this blessed brain smush I also now have to deal with the after affects of soreness of joints, muscles, tendons, and pretty much every other part of the human body. True to my crafty nature though, I have found a craft to do! Homemade heating packs! YIPPY!(I am also a little delirious from no sleep)

Almost done!
So to the sewing machine I went. I had some left over fleece (it is perfectly microwavable safe, I tested it first) which is super soft and snugggely and that is definitely how I want to be feeling right about now. I simply cut the fabric to the shape I wanted. I choose to make it about 10 inches wide (you will fold it in half later, so it will be about 5 inches final) by about 10 inches. You can make it any size, length, or shape you would like. I then sewed up the right sides alone the long edge and one end. Invert the tube you have just made and add some rice! You will be making compartments within the tube so don't pour the whole bag in at once. I used about 1/2 of a cup in 4 inches of fabric (you can customize this for your needs). You don't want the rice to be too tight or else it wont lay perfectly on your sore neck though. To make sure the rice stayed in while I stitched I used pins to seal off that section about an inch from where I was actually going to stitch. Repeat this until you have successfully completed your heating pad.
awww...Relief :-)

Now heat it in the microwave in 30 second intervals  (make sure to test it before you lay it on your skin first!!!) and get relaxing those sore muscles!

Eat,Craft, and Enjoy a heating pad! :-)

(NOTE: During this entire crafting session I was wearing two heating packs. One is slung around my hips while the other is resting over my shoulder...Oh yeah, I am sore)

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