Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Beginning

So as I peruse the internet looking at other craft sites (I prefer Martha or Pinterest lately) I find myself drawn to share some of my own creations with the world wide web. 

I have been crafting for as long as I can remember. As a young buck I used to make seashell creations, simple beaded jewelry, simple knitted scarves, scrap booking and even crepe paper flowers. Through high school I always loved art class and although I was not the most talented painter or sculptor I still had fun and made some pretty sweet stuff.  Then I entered college and since homework was boring and unimportant( yet extremely expensive!!) I decided to get super duper crafty! I got into wood burning, advanced in my knitting and got more into scrap booking. 

Now lately I have really been expanding my horizons. I taught myself how to embroider and so for awhile that was all my crafting. I got a sewing machine for Christmas ( Singer Talent...cha ching!) and have been messing around with it a lot making some simple crafts too. As you can see I have a wide repertoire( totally had to look the spelling of that up) of crafting skills and would like to share them all with you! For the fellow web surfer looking for new ideas, or for the beginner just getting started, here are some of my creations!
Eat, Craft, and Be Happy!

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