Thursday, January 19, 2012

Want it? Make it!

For years I have made a habit out of scoping out places like HomeGoods (mostly ever since I worked there in Burlington, Holler!) for ideas. I am always looking for something that I love and then I justify NOT buying it because I could make it. So there ya go, want it? Make it!
Original Item at HomeGoods
This holiday season I was drawn to a framed 'thing' at my local HomeGoods. It was a piece of red felt with some cut out snowflakes sewed on and the words, "Do you see what I see...?" embroidered underneath. So I thought to my self, "SELF, YOU CAN DO THAT! So I went to JoAnn's and bought me some felt( $0.10/ piece, not bad!) and I got to work.

First Attempt
Since I was just getting into embroidering I was unsure of how to best go about making the words. I trialed a few different methods. First I wrote out the words in red ink and tried to just embroider over it, but my embroidery was always coming out bigger than the space I had provided( semi-fail = back to the drawing board). After a few attempts, I realized it was best if I just free handed the words. Although they were not perfect, for the project I was making, it gave them a kind of homey and childish feel, and it worked. I think.
My Final Creations :-)

LESSON OF THE DAY: Don't just buy something and spend silly money on it because it is nice and pretty. Could you make it? Would it be WAY cheaper to make? Would it be a sweet arts and crafts project for you and a friend? Do people like homemade gifts better than bought? YES, YES, YES.

Eat, Craft, and Be Happy!

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