Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yardsale Recycle

As I awake this morning with a medium fog in my brain (I found out I passed my boards yesterday!) I decide that I will blog about something that does not require much brain power. Awhile back I received this awesome postcard/ alumni update from UVM (located in the most amazing city ever!) and wanted someway to display it.  I will admit that I probably did not even read the back of the card, I am sure they were asking me for money, HA! So I went on an expedition within my own home, and since I like to call the style of my home 'early american yard sale', it truly is an expedition. I found these three awesome, old school, big, chunky frames with hideous generic pictures in them. Jackpot.

Frames with 'blah' print
I figured no one would miss the plain-jane prints (note: my mother is a medium hoarder and notices everything) so I set about removing them. The backing on the frames had been tampered with in a previous life so they were pretty easy to remove.(silly me) I simply used a screwdriver to bend some nails and then attempted to slide the backing out. Not so simple. It turns out that somebody, somewhere really liked these horrid prints of meadows and children sitting in grass, and decided to tape and glue them into place. Since I no longer had any care for these prints, they were ultimately ripped and destroyed for the sake of my sanity.

Final Creation

The UVM card was then trimmed to fit. I find the simplest way to measure a print is to use the glass from the frame you are using to mark the size. (You can also then visualize what the trimmed picture will look like!) I then found a new piece of cardboard as the backing and since it is against a wall, I do not really care what it looked like, as long as it holds the picture in. Then it was complete. Ta-Da!

Yardsale recycle: when the trash from someones home enters mine, it will be revamped!

Eat, Craft, and Drink lots of water :-)

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